For planned or unplanned spending
What you get
- Up to 3 salaries, up to 10.000 EUR (in LEI equivalent)
- The money is always available in your Intesa Sanpaolo Bank account
in the remaining available limit, and you can use them anytime / 24/24 7/7 if you have a debit card attached to your current account
- Interest rate to be paid only for the used amount
- Overdraft is being granted for 12 months with the option to extend it for another 12 months
- Variable interest rate of 4,9% + IRCC
Overdraft disbursement and usage
The overdraft will be available in your existing Intesa Sanpaolo Banki account or in a new one.
You can use the overdraft:
- through a debit card attached to the current account
- through your current account, for intra/interbanking or international payments through Internet Banking or in branch, cash withdrawal at any Intesa Sanpaolo Bank branch or invoice payments.
Any amount deposited intro the current account will be considered as used overdraft credit line repayment.
The entire amount of the granted overdraft must be reimbursed in the credit line expiry month. On every 15 of the month you will have to reimburse only the minimum amount noted on the account statement.
The account statement is generated on the first day of every month for the previous month.
Eligibility criteria
Minimum net income: 2000 Lei/month
Work seniority: at least 1 year uninterrupted in the last 2 years and 3 months at the current employer
Age: minimum 18 years, maximum 65 years (men)/ 63 years (women), for salary income/ 70 years for pension
The overdraft can be granted only for income transfer in an Intesa Sanpaolo Bank current account for the entire credit line duration.
Documents needed
- Identity document;
- Loan request form;
- Information sheet regarding personal data processing for loan granting purposes
- Information request and processing from ANAF databases;
- Information sheet regarding Credit Bureau personal data processing.
- Loan request analysis fee (will be paid only if the loan is granted): 100 Lei
- Current account management fee
- RNPM entry: only for overdraft more than 1.000 EUR (Lei equivalent) the cost is paid by the bank